Forbes Awards MGM Resorts for Employer Diversity

MGM Resorts

MGM Resorts International was awarded recognition on the Forbes list of Best Employers for Diversity 2021. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider.


The Best Employers for Diversity were selected based on Statista’s innovative methodology, guaranteeing unbiased results and providing reliable insights.

Over 50,000 U.S. employees were surveyed in companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees to identify The Best Employers for Diversity.


The evaluation was based on four different criteria:

  • Direct recommendations: Employees were asked to give their opinions on a series of statements regarding Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Disability, LGBTQA+ & General Diversity in their current workplace. The recommendations of women, elders, and ethnic minorities were weighted higher than the non-minority groups.
  • Indirect Recommendations: Participants were also given the chance to evaluate other employers in their respective industries that stand out either positively or negatively with regard to diversity. Only the recommendations of minority groups were considered.
  • Diversity Among Top Executives/Board and Diversity Engagement Indicators were also part of the evaluation.

“Diversity and Inclusion are vital elements of our people strategy, with inclusion representing a core value at MGM Resorts, and we are honored to be included on the 2021 Forbes Best Employers for Diversity List,” said Jyoti Chopra, Chief People, Inclusion and Sustainability Officer.

“We are committed to embracing humanity and making the world a better place alongside our diverse employees, guests and communities and to advocate for inclusion and equity. A key tenant of our business strategy and operating philosophy is to be respectful, inclusive and responsible in all we do.”


Their talent strategy at MGM Resorts centers on creating a people-driven culture and employee value proposition defined by the way we lead and care for one another, resulting in an engaged and diverse workforce.

It begins with attracting, developing and retaining diverse talent and ensuring that talent has equal access to leadership opportunities.

The company does that by continuously working to embed diversity and inclusion across our human resources practices, from onboarding, to mentoring, to advancement and succession planning.

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