Golden Gate Debuts Award-Winning “Riverboat Roulette” April 1

Golden Gate Debuts Award-Winning “Riverboat Roulette” April 1
Marking yet another “first” for Las Vegas’ original casino, Golden Gate will become home to the United States’ first-ever Riverboat Roulette, Double Luck Gaming’s new, award-winning table game. 

On Tuesday, April 1 at 11 a.m., property and Double Luck Gaming executives will gather for Riverboat Roulette’s U.S. debut as they unveil the newest game to hit Las Vegas’ most historic casino floor.


The multi-spin variation of classic roulette was first revealed to the gaming industry at the 2012 Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas and has since been crowned one of the “Top New Table Games of 2013” by Casino Journal. Riverboat Roulette has been heralded as an innovative spin on a timeless classic. Although the game retains full functionality for traditional roulette play, it includes the option of multiple spin wagers thanks to six new colored neighborhoods on the wheel. Riverboat Roulette gained international popularity after its premiere in U.K. casinos last year and will now be available to Las Vegas guests exclusively at Golden Gate.

No stranger to the game of roulette, Golden Gate made history in October 2010 when the largest roulette spin in Las Vegas history – a whopping $250,000 – was made at the downtown property by cast members from MTV’s hit reality show “The Buried Life.” Now, Golden Gate invites players to try the newest way to spin and win with Riverboat Roulette.

“As Las Vegas’ original casino, we strive to be at the forefront of change in the gaming and hospitality industries,” said co-owner and CEO, Derek Stevens. “We’re excited to introduce an exciting new approach to one of the most popular games of all time. Because the game functions as traditional roulette and also offers a unique multiple-spin option, we’re confident the game will be well-received by many different players.”

Double Luck Gaming’s president of marketing and sales, Kevin Luck, added, “We’re pleased to bring Riverboat Roulette exclusively to Golden Gate and downtown Las Vegas. There are a lot of new and exciting things transpiring in the area and we want Riverboat Roulette to be a part of the transformation that’s happening there.”

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