“Howard TV” and Stern Show Character “Ronnie the Limo Driver” at Rick’s Cabaret Vegas Aug. 25

Ronnie the Limo Driver from the Howard Stern Show with Rick's Cabaret Girls
“Howard TV” will bring its cameras this Wednesday night to Rick’s Cabaret Vegas to film Howard Stern Show character “Ronnie the Limo Driver” as he co-hosts the “Gentlemen’s Club Expo” feature entertainer party (Photo courtesy of Rick’s Cabaret Vegas)

The August 25th party is called the “Woodystock” Feature Showcase Party. Just as the famed Woodstock Festival brought together many of the top rock bands of the day, “Woodystock” will have performances from several of the top touring feature entertainers between 9pm and midnight.

The evening’s festivities will be co-hosted by “Ronnie the Limo Driver” from the Howard Stern Sirius/XM Show, and comedian Jade Simone St. Clair.

“Howard TV” will be on hand to film some of the excitement (discreetly–customers will not be taped). “There are so many gorgeous women performing every night at Rick’s Cabaret Vegas–it’s truly amazing, and this Wednesday party will have so many special guests, too” said “Ronnie the Limo Driver.”

Rick’s Cabaret Vegas
3555 S. Procyon St.


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