The City of Henderson hosted an opening celebration for Purple Heart Plaza on Tuesday, August 7. Mayor Debra March, members of Henderson City Council and representatives of Purple Heart Veterans Chapter 730 join the community to honor combat war veterans and all those who have served at the official opening of Purple Heart Plaza, 101 Market St. (at Pacific Avenue), in Downtown Henderson.

Mayor Debra March and Purple Heart Veterans Chapter 730 Open Purple Heart Plaza in Henderson
The celebration included a ceremonial ribbon cutting, a Purple Heart Day ceremony (conducted by Chapter 730 veterans) and refreshments.

Mayor Debra March and Purple Heart Veterans Chapter 730 Open Purple Heart Plaza in Henderson
The new linear park has a shaded seating area, game tables and landscaping that creates a small gathering space in the heart of Henderson’s Downtown business district. The Plaza features the nationally recognized Purple Heart Monument along with a donor brick program that allows the public to purchase engraved pavers to honor someone who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The pavers will be installed in Purple Heart Plaza. “Honored and Remembered” veterans need not be Purple Heart recipients.
Created in 1782, the Purple Heart is awarded to any member of the U.S. Armed Forces who is wounded or killed in action. Henderson became the first Purple Heart city in the State of Nevada in January 2014.
Purple Heart Plaza is open 6:00 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. For additional information, visit Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.