Boom baby! Magic is Back in Vegas.
Late Night MAGIC’s “Rona Relaunch” could not have gone better. The Line up featured some Las Vegas’s top names in magic and was hosted by the Sensational Anne Martinez. Anne kicked things off with her stunning voice by singing an amazing/funny version of “Magic Man.” The goal was to get the audience’s attention, while at the same time setting the tone for this fun filled magic fest.
After her great opening number, we got to see a surprise proposal by Creator/Producer Michael Mayfield. Good news, she said yes. He then quickly headed back stage so Anne could get the ball rolling on the “Rona Relaunch” of Late Night MAGIC.

Rocco Silano who has been nominated for magician of the year 9 times by the Magic Castle and performed for the likes of Michael Jackson, Muhammed Ali and the Queen of England opened things up with some hard-hitting visual magic. Rocco went all out, leaving the audience amazed, all with out saying a word or even getting up from his seat on stage. As part of his closing effects he choose to produce a medical grade face covering to remind the audience that we can have fun, while still keeping each other safe.

Anna Rose was up next; she was just as funny as she was amazing. Anna’s mentalism has even earned her a residency at the Paris. Many Audience members reported literally having their cheeks hurt from laughing so much. Anna’s versatility was on full display as she adjusted her set, so the audience was still involved, but didn’t have to cross the required 6 feet, or plexiglass dividers being used to keep the Audience/Performers safe. Great work Anna.

John Shaw came straight from his regular gig at Zak Bagans Haunted Museum where he performs 5 days a week (https://thehauntedmuseum.com/) so he could be part of Magic’s return to Theater in Las Vegas. John knocked his set out of the park. Rather than perform Magic, John shared some of his best side show bits. A real drill was shoved deep into his nasal cavity, mouse trap triggered on his tongue, and to cap things off, he performed a stunt that required fish hooks to be inserted in his eye sockets.

Luna Shimada who has performed all over the world, closed out the show. Her magic isn’t just visual, its compelling as each set tells a different story. She uses classic elements of magic combined with new techniques, all backed by great music. Audience members loved every second of what Luna was doing, then, right when you thought you could not be more amazed she closed out her set by producing the cutest little dog you ever have seen. What a treat, literally, I found the dog’s name is cupcake (how appropriate).
Anne Martinez then came back on to share some more of that stage charm she just oozes out. This was Anne’s first time hosting a magic event, but you would have never known that if you were there. She kept the audience laughing while the cast/producer handled the “prop swaps” required during a magic show. Anne’s ability to do pretty much anything on a stage was obvious to all. I have a feeling she may come back to host again in the future.

Late Night MAGIC is the brain child of Michael Mayfield who insist that Douglas “Lefty” Leferovich also be listed as co-creator. According to Mike: “I created the original concept. The idea of booking really good acts and just letting them have fun, while at the same time encouraging them to use offensive material, but it was Doug who came up with name of the show, the logo, and it is Doug who I turn to make almost all Artistic choices that need to be decided by a director or producer. We know we are lucky we work with Lefty baby.”
The show is currently at Ken Henderson’s Notoriety located off Fremont and Las Vegas Blvd. Ken said “Let’s turn this into something Big”. With support coming from Pete Housley’s crew at VIP I have a feeling they will do just that.
Michael Mayfield