William Shatner Arrives at Caesars Palace as Part of 2500 Mile Cross-Country Journey to Raise Awareness for The American Legion Riders

William Shatner Arrives at Caesars Palace as Part of 2500 Mile Cross-Country Journey to Raise Awareness for The American Legion Riders
On Monday, June 29, William Shatner, the legendary captain of the Starship Enterprise, arrived at Caesars Palace with the first-of-its-kind Rivet motorcycle created by American Wrench and Rivet Motors

William Shatner & the members of The American Legion Riders

William Shatner & the members of The American Legion Riders

The legendary Hollywood icon rode a motorcycle across the country while showcasing Rivet in various cities across the United States alongside the machine builders and members of The American Legion Riders. Shatner followed the famous Route 66 for most of the trek.

William Shatner & Tariq Shaukat, Chief Commercial Officer of Caesars

William Shatner & Tariq Shaukat, Chief Commercial Officer of Caesars

The trip he made with the members of The American Legion Riders will raise awareness of the Legion programs and funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship, which helps cover college expense for children of U.S military men and women who lost their lives while on duty since September 11, 2001.
