Customers at the D Casino Hotel were turning heads left and right when Vegas Golden Knights forward, Alex Tuch, and Florida Panthers defenseman, Ian McCoshen, entered the hotel with their buddies (Pictured: NHL Vegas Golden Knights Alex Tuch with Florida Panthers Ian Mccoshen Dine Inside Andiamo Italian Steakhouse Las Vegas – Photo credit: the D Casino Hotel)!

NHL Florida Panthers Ian McCoshen and Vegas Golden Knights Alex Tuch with Casino Owner Derek Stevens and wife Nicole
Photo credit: the D Casino Hotel
They dined upstairs at the D’s famous Italian steakhouse, Andiamo. D Executive, Richard Wilk, invited them in to unwind and have an awesome night before the big game! Nothing works up an appetite quite like blocking AND scoring goals, which these two know how to do very well! As a matter of fact, Alex and Ian both played hockey together at Boston College a few years back.

Casino Owner Derek Stevens and Former NHL Player Darren Banks with Florida Panthers Coaching Staff and CEO at The D Las Vegas
Photo credit: the D Casino Hotel
Not only are the NHL stars great friends, but they will also be battling it out tonight at the T-Mobile Arena, when the Vegas Golden Knights play the Florida Panthers. Who’s ready to see some friendly competition and a great hockey game?

NHL Vegas Golden Knights Alex Tuch and Florida Panthers Ian Mccoshen with Richard Wilk inside Andiamo Italian Steakhouse Las Vegas
Photo credit: the D Casino Hotel
After they devoured their delicious meals at Andiamo and walked out of the award-winning restaurant, they ran into the coaching staff and CEO of the Florida Panthers who were also dining in the restaurant. From there, Alex and Ian headed down the escalator to another famous hot spot at the D, the world-famous LONGBAR! There, they chatted with the casino’s owner, Derek Stevens, and his beautiful wife, Nicole. The already packed bar got even MORE crowded when guests started recognizing the hockey players from the NHL. Alex and Ian were glad to accommodate their loyal fans!
Downtown Vegas always seems to create buzz in the city! We wonder which hungry celebrities will be the next to stop by Andiamo Italian Steakhouse!