Friends of Elvis to Appear as The Cannery Celebrates the King Jan. 9-10

Cannery Casino & Hotel will celebrate the King’s life Friday, January 9 and Saturday, January 10 with special performances by Johnny Fortuno, The Stamps Quartet as well as other special guests, friends and co-stars of Elvis Presley. The concerts begin each night at 8 p.m. at The Club inside Cannery Casino & Hotel. Admission is $10 at the door.


Critics and celebrities have praised Fortuno as one of the top Elvis Presley tribute artists. His tribute to the classic Elvis hits will bring the audience back to the performance they wished they had the chance to see many years ago. Fortuno has a raw energy and powerful stage presence which makes his live appearances thrilling and enjoyable. Additionally, Fortuno’s costumes pay homage to the late King. Fortuno will perform many of Elvis’ hits including, “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Suspicious Minds” and “In The Ghetto.”

One of Elvis’ musical influences came from the Gospel music he heard in church and at the all-night Gospel gatherings. Gospel group The Stamps Quartet performed regularly with Elvis Presley on many recordings and concerts as back up. Elvis called The Stamps Quartet his favorite group of Gospel singers.


Other special guests will include Elvis’ personal friend and bodyguard, Sonny West; Elvis’ Kissin’ Cousins co-star, Cynthia Pepper; Elvis’ Blue Hawaii co-star, Darlene Tompkins; DJ with “Elvis on Air,” Steve Christopher; Sandy Pichon and Sandy Miller.

Other activities taking place throughout the weekend will include memorabilia dealers and fan club displays. The Cannery Row Buffet will be taking part in the fun by hosting a special “Food that fed the King” section featuring Elvis’ favorite dishes.

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