Las Vegas Monorail Offers Special Rates to Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Attendees

Las Vegas Monorail Offers Special Rates to Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Attendees
With more than 170,000 expected International CES 2019, the Las Vegas Monorail provides the easiest, most convenient way for attendees and exhibitors to travel the Las Vegas Strip. Special, multi-ride fare prices just for CES delegates are available online here

Skip parking fees, surge pricing and leave the headaches of traffic far below. Meanwhile, the Monorail allows for easy transit to and from delegates’ hotels, exploring the Strip on lunch breaks and for other get-togethers. The Las Vegas Convention Center, home to one of the system’s seven stations, is accessible in just minutes.

International  CES attendees can also now download their Monorail pass directly to their Android or iOS enabled smartphone. With just a few clicks, Monorail customers can now purchase and save tickets using their credit and debit cards or PayPal account and save into Google Pay or their Apple wallet.

To purchase discounted Monorail tickets for International CES, go to

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