National Football League Analyst and CEO Quarterback, Ron Jaworski, to Deliver Keynote Followed by Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 2018 Nightclub & Bar Show

National Football League Analyst and CEO Quarterback, Ron Jaworski, to Deliver Keynote Followed by Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 2018 Nightclub & Bar Show
Ron Jaworski,
National Football League (NFL) analyst and CEO Quarterback, will keynote “The Game Changer: Lessons from Ron “Jaws” Jaworski,” during the 2018 Nightclub & Bar Convention and Trade Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center. 

Immediately following the keynote, Jaworski will walk the red carpet and cut the ribbon to officially open the 2018 expo hall floor.

Speaking on Tuesday, March 27 from 11 to 11:45 a.m., Jaworski will offer attendees insight into building and protecting their brand. As a distinguished 17-year NFL quarterback, Jaworski will highlight how he took his leadership skills from the field to the boardroom as an owner of a professional sports team, a business relationship company and five golf courses. In drawing parallels between teamwork – on and off the field – Jaworski argues the best defense is a good offence and will demonstrate how to tackle your company’s challenges.

“As an author and former athlete, I look forward to sharing the strategies that I learned over the years, which have played a significant role in my life as a business professional,” said Jaworski. “I believe that teamwork and football offer great lessons and tactics that can be put in place that creates advantages for business owners across a variety of fields.”

This year’s Nightclub & Bar Show conference program will offer one of the most comprehensive educational series to date featuring some of the brightest and most thought-provoking individuals in the business world. The all-encompassing speaker lineup allows attendees to develop innovative ideas that will help take their brand to a new level of success in the coming year.

The keynote is open to all attendees, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. Additional keynote sessions will be announced soon and are sponsored by Revention. Please visit Nightclub & Bar Show’s website for keynote updates and here for a full list of speakers.

The Nightclub & Bar Show, March 26 – 28, is the world’s largest gathering of bar, nightlife and beverage professionals. The show offers industry professionals the opportunity to connect with suppliers, network with new businesses, discover new products and gain critical skills to ensure their success in the dynamic bar and nightclub industry. For those interested in attending the show or for more information, please visit

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