Zac Swan Guest Stars in Murray the Magician’s Show Today, August 8, at Tropicana Las Vegas

Zac Swan Guest Stars in Murray the Magicians Show Today, August 8, at Tropicana Las Vegas
Zac Swan
one of Hollywood’s youngest and fastest rising magic stars is in town to guest star in Murray SawChuck’s show today, August 8!

Zac is a Hollywood Magic Castle junior member and when Murray performed at the Magic Castle in the spring of this year, Zac open for him at the suggestion of the Magic Castle. Murray watched from the wings and was immediately impressed at a young magician performing way beyond his years in Magic and Performance Art.

As soon as Zac walked off stage, Murray asked him if he’d like to guest star in Murray’s show in Las Vegas sometime this summer. Well, this is the week to put the Las Vegas strip on Zac’s resume!

Check him out tonight in Murray’s show at 7pm Laugh Factory Tropicana Hotel & Casino!

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