Best Dishes for a First Date

Best Dishes for a First Date
If you still don’t have a soulmate, then you can choose the one from these Russian ladies, for example. After that, you have to come up with an interesting idea for a first date. It can be a romantic dinner for you two. It is easy to go to a restaurant, but it’s much better to arrange a date at home. Dinner for two is not only delicious food, but also a special atmosphere, candles, a quiet heart-to-heart talk, music, and perhaps dancing. For such a date, snacks, delicious dishes, red wine, and other foods are perfect.

A romantic date should start with snacks. It can be a light salad, pate with toast, bruschetta or something else of your choice. For a start, you can cook bruschetta because this is the perfect appetizer to a glass of wine.

  • Bruschetta with tomatoes – an excellent snack, which is quickly prepared, and if desired, can be easily changed if you add cheese or baked peppers.
  • Bruschetta with crab – an original bruschetta in case if you like seafood.
  • Bruschetta with salted fish – a classic combination of food in a new way.

Salads are a simple solution, but their lightness and freshness will perfectly fit into the dinner format for two.

  • Classic Caesar salad – a simple idea but the best variant of salad for a romantic dinner.
  • Crispy salad with bacon and nuts – a light, but delicious salad.
  • Baked pumpkin salad – unusual, elegant, simple, and tasty. The combination of sweet pumpkin and salty cheese is a real bomb!
  • Burrata salad – simple, but very tasty salad with delicate Italian cheese.
  • Grilled tuna salad – perhaps the most unusual salad that you can cook.

Main course
The main course is an indispensable part of a date. Everyday dishes are not suitable for a romantic dinner, but, fortunately, there are enough interesting and simple recipes. As a result, you can cook

something tasty, festive, and unusual. Let’s start with recipes for those who consider themselves to be an aspiring chef. In this case, it is worth to prepare something simple.

  • Chicken in the oven – the case when a banal dish can be very tasty.
  • Chicken fricassee – it is tasty and juicy meat in a creamy sauce.
  • Rooster in wine – this is a French traditional dish that can be made from chicken.
  • Turkey roll – this dish not only tasty but beautiful and dietary.
  • Cod with braised peppers – this is a favorite Spanish fish recipe, and the Spaniards know a lot about cooking.

Pasta is also a great choice – this is a light and tasty main dish.

  • Pumpkin ravioli – a very nice recipe, preparations for which can be made in advance.
  • Spaghetti with cherry and basil – the easiest, but very delicious version of pasta.
  • Pasta with fish in tomato sauce – it can be quickly prepared and will not distract from more important matters.
  • Tagliatelle with rabbit stew – a dish based on Italian classics (can be cooked not only from a rabbit).

The main course is over, and now it is time to think about a tasty dessert. And again we start with simple recipes for those who know nothing about cooking desserts but want to get a tasty result.

  • A no-bake cheesecake recipe – this is a delicious dessert that doesn’t take much time.
  • Pineapple in syrup – this is tasty and healthy.
  • Strawberries with mascarpone and ice cream – it can be cooked quickly and creates a romantic mood by itself.
  • Pears in red wine – it is tasty, unusual, and simple.

Finally, you can cook some sorbets, which can be served at the end of your date or after snacks to refresh the taste buds before the main course.

  • Strawberry sorbet – this is the dessert that can wait in the freezer for several days.
  • Lemon sorbet – for those who don’t like sweet.

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