“Domicile” Actress Sabrina Cofield Brings a Strong Female Role to Vegas Indie Film

Domicile Actress Sabrina Cofield Brings a Strong Female Role to Vegas Indie Film
Sabrina Cofield
knows the art of acting is the greatest expression of the human story. “The audience doesn’t come to see you—they come to see themselves,” she explains.  “My job is to find the truth and beauty in all of my characters’ imperfections.” (Pictured: actress Sabrina Cofield)

Actress Sabrina Cofield in "Domicile"

Actress Sabrina Cofield in “Domicile”

An actress since the age of seven, Cofield is a principal player in the upcoming Las Vegas produced indie film, Domicile.  Set for February release, the sci-fi feature tells the story of five government contractors who wake up contained under the infamous Area 51.  But her journey to the set of Domicile has not exactly been a direct path to success.

Domicile – Official Trailer
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/AlienDomicile/videos/1822887667984280/” width=”588″ height=”700″ onlyvideo=”1″]

“My journey as an actress looks more like a meandering maze of a labyrinth”, she laughs.  “Besides acting, I have also been a television news reporter, anchor, personal trainer, magazine editor, and small business owner…I even studied dentistry!  I’ve obviously never liked taking the easy route”.

But her vast life experience has informed all of her roles, including Lt. Gail Sullivan of Domicile.  “I love performing with every fiber of my being, and I aim to live each day honestly.  The stage is my home, and I’ve been performing in some capacity or another ever since I was a child”.

Does she have any plans for red carpets, or Broadway?  She says, “Acting is a craft that I can spend a lifetime trying to master.  Of course I want those things, but if I can make people feel, think and reflect on their own stories—then I will consider my life a success”.

She muses, “An acting coach once told me that actors are emotional and spiritual firefighters….we run in, when everyone else is running out.   My goal as an actor is to continue to delve further into the truth of my characters and send that truth to the audience”.

We’re rooting for you, Sabrina.  Watch out for those aliens!

Domicile is a new Sci Fi Thriller from Director Kelly Schwarze, and presented by Indie Film Factory.

For more information about Domicile, visit Facebook.com/AlienDomicile

Follow Sabrina on Facebook.com/SabrinaCofield1 and Instagram at SabrinaCofield

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