Fourth Annual World Game Protection Conference Kicks Off March 1 at Caesars Palace

The economic crisis is arguably the largest security threat the casino industry has ever faced and it takes front and center stage at this year’s World Game Protection Conference (WGPC).

The new-look, three-day WGPC program to be held March 1-3 in Las Vegas includes a much-needed “Industry Day.” Casino professionals will meet to discuss and find solutions for emerging security threats such as increasing employee theft, cheating and collusion.

Organizers of the WGPC will debut the Golden Dome Awards, a casino surveillance “show & tell” of the latest casino scams caught on video. This interactive peer-share learning session highlights current threats to gaming profits and recognizes the role that casino surveillance plays. A new town hall-style meeting, the Innovation Forum, will follow this session and will focus on finding solutions and best practices in these challenging economic times.

As in previous years, the WGPC will feature the casino industry’s leading game protection experts as well as a hand picked roster of interesting and relevant keynote speakers. This year the program also includes break out Master Classes conducted by recognized trainers.

World Game Protection Founder and Program Director Willy Allison said, “Adding these new segments to the WGPC program is particularly timely as we attempt to promote more industry unity and interaction to combat the effects of the recession.”

Allison also added, “Our Expo has grown into the casino industry’s best one-stop showcase for surveillance technology. Our focus on casino game protection and surveillance makes it a great place for professionals to find and network amongst their peers.”

World Game Protection conducts educational programs, seminars and events specifically focused on casino surveillance and game protection. For more information on World Game Protection, visit

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