New Reality Television Series, “Fuego en Vegas,” to Debut on Telemundo

“Fuego Raw Talent,” the high-energy Latin dance production and video illusion show now performing on the Las Vegas Strip, will launch the first Spanish language reality television series, “Fuego en Vegas.” The reality series will air on Saturdays at 6 p.m. beginning December 27 on KBLR Telemundo Las Vegas (channel 39). The half-hour program will delve into the lives of the hottest “Fuego” cast members, capturing adrenaline-packed performances and behind-the-scenes drama, gossip, rivalries and love triangles, revealing the fabulous life of being an entertainer on the Las Vegas Strip. “Fuego en Vegas” is created and directed by ND and produced and hosted by Latino star, actor Rene Lavan.

“Fuego Raw Talent,” tells the story of a virtual world where humans are enslaved to technology. The intricate plot transports audience members into a dreamlike fantasy world where the click of a laptop makes anything is possible. Highly trained dancers and singers execute raw, interactive, adrenaline-packed performances, combining elements of a live percussion band fused with surreal characters, elaborate costumes and high-tech digital imaging for a bilingual experience unlike any other on the Las Vegas Strip.

“Fuego Raw Talent” opened its doors on the Las Vegas Strip in October 2008. The cast performs Thursday through Tuesday at 8:30 p.m at the Sahara Hotel & Casino. Tickets are $79.95, inclusive of tax and fees, and can be purchased by visiting, or by calling the Sahara Hotel & Casino box office at (702) 737-2515 or toll free at (888) 696-2121.

For more information, interested parties can log on to to learn more about the surreal world, read character profiles and performer blogs, learn more about the show and the show’s creator ND, and purchase tickets and show memorabilia.

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