Omar Gooding Hosts Ambhar Tequila Event at Blue Martini

Omar Gooding with Ambhar Goddess model
Real Eyes Magazine
held their launch party at Blue Martini on Tuesday night. The event was sponsored by Ambhar Tequila (Pictured above: Omar Gooding with Ambhar Goddess model – Photo credit: Mike King with MCK Photography)

Omar Gooding with Ambhar Goddess models

Omar Gooding with Ambhar Goddess models

Photo credit: Mike King with MCK Photography

Guests had their photos taken on the red carpet and enjoyed live music and Ambhar Tequila cocktails. Omar Gooding, famed star behind Baby Boy and Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper and local stars Amy Heart, of the popular talk show Amy’s Heart After Dark, Miss United States 2008 Brittany Cherie Williams, local acoustic musician Barry Black and Sin City Ellen. All walked the red carpet to honor the launch of the new magazine.

Miss United States, Amy Heart, Sin City Ellen, Barry Black with models

Miss United States, Amy Heart, Sin City Ellen, Barry Black with models

Photo credit: Mike King with MCK Photography.

Omar Gooding with Ambhar Tequila team

Omar Gooding with Ambhar Tequila team

Photo credit: Mike King with MCK Photography

Barry Black with Ambhar Tequila bottle

Barry Black with Ambhar Tequila bottle

Photo credit: Mike King with MCK Photography.
