Thinking of Hiring Someone to Help With the Business? Check These 5 Tips First
Photo by Rebrand Cities from Pexels
Whether you’re a small business owner or run a large corporation, sometimes you need an extra hand. Hiring a new employee isn’t as easy as picking up someone off of the street and putting them behind a desk. Instead, you need to take the time to carefully choose potential candidates until you find the perfect match for the open position.
To ensure you get the right match, consider these hiring tips below. From background checks to conducting an interview, we cover all there is to know about hiring someone to help with your business.
1. Make a Detailed Job Description
Before you start your hiring process, you’re going to need to write a detailed job description. A detailed job description is an excellent way to weed out candidates that may not qualify for the open role. It also outlines the duties and skills necessary for the job, as well as how to apply for the opening.
Here’s an example of information you should include in your job description:
- Job responsibilities, including tools and software they should be familiar using, their role in the company, the knowledge they need in order to perform well, and what their job looks like on an everyday basis.
- Qualifications, including certifications, licenses, degrees, education, and work experience.
- Benefits that come with the job, such as a 401(k), paid time off, health insurance, etc.
- How to apply instructions, such as submitting a cover letter and resume
- Equal opportunity employer statement
2. Post on Job Hiring Sites
Once you have your job description written, it’s time to post it on job hiring sites such as Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. Whether you’re hiring a gardener for landscaping or a freelance writer to boost your blog, you want to make sure you post it on your company’s website, too. Doing so will allow prospective candidates to learn more about your business by reviewing your site and will also bring more traffic to your company’s website too.
3. Host a Phone or Video Interview
After you’ve posted your job description, your inbox (or mailbox) is going to begin filling up with applications. Read each application thoroughly. Look for spelling and grammar in their cover letter and resume. If there are any typos, it can be a sign that they don’t pay attention to detail.
Also, look at their qualifications and experiences. Just because a candidate doesn’t have the exact number of years working in the field that you’re looking for doesn’t mean you should automatically disqualify them. After all, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates don’t have college degrees!
Once you’ve made a pile of yes’s and no’s, email each candidate to schedule a phone or video interview. A phone interview will allow candidates to expand on the information they provided in their resume and cover letter while allowing you to learn more about them.
4. Conduct a Background Check
When you’ve finished all of your phone interviews, make a new pile of candidates you’re considering and another for those who don’t fit the bill. Before bringing them in for an in-person interview, you want to make sure they are who they say they are. Check the validity of your candidates by conducting a background check. Background check costs are pretty reasonable, only costing between $35 to $60 per person, depending on how much information you want to uncover.
A background check will provide you with a ton of useful information, including:
- Driving history
- Criminal history
- Sex offender registry
- Identity verification
- Federal watch list
- Credit report
- Current and previous addresses
- Employment history
5. Host an In-Person Interview
The last step to hiring someone to help with your business is hosting an in-person interview. With an in-person interview, you can either question a candidate one-on-one or have members of your team create a panel. An in-person interview will allow you to ask more pressing questions to see whether a candidate will be able to perform well in the open role at your company.
Wrapping Up
When hiring someone to help with your business, whether a cleaning service to tidy up or a realtor to purchase more property, you want to make sure you make the right choice. With these five hiring tips in mind, you’ll welcome the perfect employee for your team.